Daily Item Size - Quick Report Overview

Daily Item Size - Quick Report Overview

What Is The Daily Item Size Report?

The Daily Item Size report is one of the Quick Reports available in Arryved Service. This report shows the quantity of each item sold by their individual Unit Sizes. The report is useful for seeing if you may need to restock something, want to know which items you’re selling the most or least of, or want to compare the sales of an item’s different sizes. 


  • To see the Daily Item Size report in Arryved Service, you need the REPORTS Labor Role Permission.


  • Only sales made through Arryved Service show up in the Quick Reports. Sales made through Arryved Online or OpenTab are not included in the Daily Item Size report. 

  • Sales are only shown from the current day. You can’t use this report to see sales data from a previous day.

  • Sales are totaled across your entire location and can’t be filtered or isolated by Venue. 

How It Works

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. Tap STAFF at the top of the screen.

  3. From the STAFF screen, tap the Reports button.

  4. Tap the By Size button. 

The items sold are grouped by their Item Types. You’ll see the Inventory Item’s name in the first column followed by the Unit Size and the quantity sold. If an item has sold multiple sizes, the item name is listed multiple times.

To print a copy of this report, tap Print in the top right corner. The report prints to your receipt printer for the Venue you’re printing from. 

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