How To Navigate Through Arryved Service

How To Navigate Through Arryved Service

What Is The Top Navigation Bar? 

The Top Navigation Bar in Arryved Service is where you can switch between Venues, toggle to different screens, see the network and printer status, see the Labor Role or person that’s logged in, and log out. This article shows you how to navigate through Arryved Service with the top navigation bar. 


  • To get into Arryved Service, you’ll need a clock-in/login code. Codes are assigned to employees on the View Employees page of your Arryved Portal


  • Not all features shown in this article are available by default. Some features need to be enabled as needed.

How It Works

The top navigation consists of,

  1. Venue switching

  2. Network & print status

  3. Employee / Labor Role & logging out

  4. Screen toggling

    • TAB

    • INV

    • STAFF

    • MAP

    • ORDER

  1. Venue Switching 

From the top left of the navigation bar, tap on the current Venue name to switch Venues. A list of your Venues will appear. When you first log into Arryved Service, no Venue will be selected yet and you'll see your location's name instead.

  • Venues have unique table numbers and possibly different menus from each other. When you toggle to a different Venue, the table numbers and menu items for that Venue become available.

  1. Network & Print Status

The Cloud Icon 

Arryved Service is cloud-based. This means all of your POS devices can talk to each other! Tab data is synced across all of your devices, so long as your network is working properly!

The cloud Icon on the top middle of the navigation bar checks network connectivity every 30 seconds.

  • The cloud is green if your network is good to go! 

  • The cloud is red if there is poor or no network connection. You may see a red WiFi icon instead.

  • When a device is in Offline Mode, the could has a black slash through it. 

    • Good News! You can still operate in Arryved Service without a network connection with Arryved’s Offline Mode. Actions performed during Offline Mode will only save to that specific device until the network is functioning again and actions are synced across all devices. 

    • A half-green cloud with a black slash means you’re still in Offline Mode, but you can connect to the network again and no actions need to be synced.

    • A half-yellow cloud with a black slash means you’re still in Offline Mode, but you can connect to the network again and there are actions that need to be synced.

  • A Full yellow cloud means your network is working properly again, and you're out of Offline Mode, but you still have unsynced data.

The Printer Icon

Next to the cloud icon is the printer icon. This tells you if your print jobs were sent successfully or have failed.
  • The printer is green if your printers are working well and orders were sent successfully. 

  • The printer is red if there is a printer connection issue.

  • The printer is red with an X over it if the print job failed.

    • Tap on the X over the printer icon to retry or ignore the failed print. If there's more than one failed print job, you'll have to keep clicking on the printer icon to retry or ignore each one individually.

  • The printer is yellow if a printer assignment is missing in your Printer Setting in Arryved Service. 

  1. Employee / Labor Role & Logging Out

The top right corner of the navigation bar will show the name of the Labor Role that you’re logged in under or possibly the employee’s name or both. Tap it to log out of Arryved Service and return to the clock in/log in screen.

  • When you add a Labor Role to an Employee’s Profile in Arryved Portal, the description is the Labor Role name which is what appears in the top right corner in Arryved Service.

  • Best Practice! For each Labor Role assigned to an employee, it’s helpful to enter the employee’s name in the description box for the Labor Role. Whatever you type there will appear in the top right corner of the navigation bar in Arryved Service. This way, if an employee picks up a random device, they can see who is logged in and return the device to them if needed. 


  1. Screen Toggling

Underneath the Venue toggle, printer & cloud icons, and the Employee/Labor Role name is the screen navigation. Tap on a screen name to toggle to that screen. 

  • Arryved Service always has the TAB, INV, and STAFF screens available by default. Click on the orange links below for full details about that screen in Arryved Service. 

    • TAB Screen Overview: The TAB screen shows a list of your tabs. Here is where you’ll place orders, manage tabs, and complete payment. 

    • INV Screen Overview: The INV screen allows you to manage your active or kicked inventory items. 

    • STAFF Screen Overview: The STAFF screen provides you with various managerial tools and the Arryved Service Settings. 

  • The MAP and ORDER screens are advanced functionalities that can be enabled per Venue through your Arryved Portal. Once enabled, that screen will appear in the screen navigation in Arryved Service.

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