STAFF Screen Overview

STAFF Screen Overview

What Is The STAFF Screen In Arryved Service?

In Arryved Service, there are three default screens you can toggle between. The TAB, INV, and STAFF screens. The STAFF screen is where you’ll find the Arryved Service settings and many managerial tools to help you run a smooth operation. This article shows you what’s offered on the STAFF Screen with additional links to reading material that detail each function. 


  • Certain tools in this article require various Labor Role Permissions to access. 

  • The STAFF screen is tailored to your unique business needs. Not all tools in the STAFF screen mentioned in this article are available by default. Some are made available based on your Location Preferences set in your Arryved Portal. 


  • Quick Reports in Arryved Service only show data for same-day operations. 

How It Works

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in. 

  2. From the top navigation bar, tap STAFF.

Depending on the Location Preferences configured in your Arryved Portal and the Labor Role Permissions you have when logged into Arryved Service, you could see many variations of the STAFF screen. The image below shows all possible buttons on the STAFF screen. We’ll explain how they function and how they can be visible to you. 

No Sale & Log Out

The No Sale and Log Out buttons live at the top of the STAFF screen.

  1. No Sale

The No Sale button is only visible if you have a cash drawer selected for this device. Tap the No Sale button to pop open the cash drawer so you can access the goods inside! 

  • Select a Cash Drawer in Arryved Service under STAFF → Settings → Drawer. You need the HARDWARE Labor Role Permission to do so.

  1. Log Out

Tap the Log Out button for a quick log-out. You’ll be taken back to the clock-in/log-in screen. 

  • This button is available by default and doesn’t require any Permissions. 

Settings & Help

The next section houses the Arryved Service settings and help tools. These buttons are available by default and don’t require any Permissions. 

  1. Settings

All settings related to Arryved Service live here. Certain settings may be hidden based on Labor Role Permissions. Read Arryved Service Settings for more information about each one. Here you’ll find settings for,

  • Venue selection

  • Card Reader pairing

  • Barcode Scanner pairing

  • Printers (or KDS screens) selection

  • Offline Mode

  • Cash Drawer pairing

  • Troubleshooting tools.

  • Arryved Support, network, and device information. 

  1.  Diagnostics

Tap the Diagnostics button to run a network connection test. Here you can also find important device and network information including the device name and IP address. Read more about Diagnostics In Arryved Service

  1. FAQ

Behind the FAQ button is a list of frequently asked questions with quick answers for your convenience. There are also links to our popular Knowledge Base articles you can read right from your POS device! 


The next section down on the STAFF screen houses your tools for your daily operations.  

  1. 86’d

Tap the 86’d button to see a list of Kicked items. Read more about How To Manage Inventory In Arryved Service.

  • No Permissions are needed to view the list, but the EIGHTY SIX Labor Role Permission will enable the Avail buttons next to each item. 

  • Tap Avail to place the item back in stock so it can be ordered! 

  1. Reports

Under the Reports button live your Quick Reports including various reports for Sales & Labor, Tabs, and your shift closeout. 

  • The REPORTS Labor Role Permission is needed to see the Reports button on the STAFF screen.

  • Some reports within the Reports button are only visible with the additional MGR REPORTS Labor Role Permission.

  • Some reports are only available by Location Preference.

  1. Print Jobs

This Print Jobs button is not in function at this time.

  1. Gift Card Query 

Tap the Gift Card Query button to view the balance on a gift card. You can swipe the gift card through your card reader or tap the three vertical dots to access manual entry. 

  • This button is available by default and doesn’t require any Permissions. 

  1. Deposits

Tap the Deposits button to see a list of deposits yet to be returned. Each line in the list shows the deposit information including the tab details, the deposit name(s), quantities, and the price. 

You can tap the Return button next to each deposit to mark it returned and remove it from this list. You’ll be taken to the order screen to complete the return. 

  1. Order Fulfillment

The Order Fulfillment feature is a great tool if you’re using Arryved Online. It tracks your online orders and you can mark them delivered. Read more about the Online Order Fulfillment Screen.

  • Reach out to Arryved Support to enable this button for you in Arryved Service.

  1. Cash Actions

Cash Actions is a tool used for various cash handling actions such as drawer management and employee tipouts. 


The bottom section of the STAFF screen houses your closeout tools.

  1. Tips

The Tips button is visible if Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim is enabled for your location. It shows a list of all closed tabs with payment details and the ability to adjust the tip. From this screen, employees can enter their tip claim at the end of their shift or enter a cash-back amount. 

  1. Individual CO

The Individual CO is a closeout report that shows a breakdown of sales totals for the shift from the employee who printed the report. Read the Individual Closeout Overview and Information On The Closeout Reports. There are many uses for this report including,

  • Helping with your cash bank count and closing out the day of sales. 

  • For individual employee tip-outs if your business doesn’t do tip pooling. 

  • To manage a cash drawer closeout.

  • Manually enter cash tips into their respective tabs or make adjustments to credit card tips. 

This button is available by default and doesn’t require any Permissions, but is advised not to use it if your location uses Cash Actions. 

  1. Reset Individual CO

Tap the Reset Individual CO button to restore the employee’s tabs if the Close-out button was hit by mistake under the Individual CO button. 

  • This button is available by default and doesn’t require any Permissions

  1. Venue CO

The Venue CO is a closeout report that shows a breakdown of sales totals from the Venue that your device is currently set to. Read the Venue Closeout Overview

  • You can use this report to help with your nightly drawer count and close out the day of sales. 

  • This report is helpful for businesses who want to manage separate cash banks for each of their Venues within their location.

  • The REPORTS Labor Role Permission is required to view this button in Arryved Service.

  1. Location CO

The Location CO is a closeout report that shows a breakdown of sales totals for your entire location up to the time the report was printed. All Venues are combined in this report. Read the Location Closeout Overview.

  • You can use this report to help with your nightly drawer count to close out the day of sales. 

  • This type of closeout is useful for businesses managing one bank, even if one bank includes multiple cash drawers.

  • The REPORTS Labor Role Permission is required to view this button in Arryved Service.

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