How to Redeem Insider Rewards

How to Redeem Insider Rewards

What Are Insider Rewards?

Rewards are one of the Insider Perks you Insider Members can enjoy. They are items on the menu that can be paid for in full with Loyalty Points. You choose which of your Inventory Items you’d like to give away as a Reward and set a Loyalty Cost for each. With enough Loyalty Points, Members can redeem the Rewards on your menu anytime they visit. This guide shows you how Rewards are redeemed in Arryved Service. 


  • You’ve read the Arryved Insider Overview guide.

  • Your Arryved Insider program is active. 

  • The "Allow Insider Members to redeem Rewards" Location Preference must be enabled by an Arryved Portal Super Admin.

  • Use the "Limit the number of Rewards that can be redeemed on one tab" Location Preference if you want to restrict members to a certain number of Rewards they can redeem at once. 

  • You have created your Rewards in your Arryved Portal.

  • Members must have enough Loyalty Points to redeem the Reward at its Loyalty Cost. 

  • Reward items must be Active and on menus to be redeemable in Arryved Service.


  • Rewards are only available to your Insider Members.

  • Active Rewards can be redeemed for free by Members who have enough Loyalty Points at any time. Keep this in mind if there are Reward items you don’t want to give away at certain times or at all.  

  • Insider Offers and Rewards can’t be redeemed on the same tab.

    • Pro Tip!: To allow Members to redeem both Rewards and Offers, split off the Reward items, and pay the split tab with their Loyalty Points. You can close the tab out at $0. Then, use the Offer on the original tab.

  • Insider Perks are adding free items and discounts to your Members’ tabs. This may cause your overall tip collection to decrease. Here are two solutions,

    • Custom Tip: Point out the Insider Perks given on Loyalty Member’s tab and encourage them to use the Custom tip button on the Digital Signature screen if they’d like to account for the full service given on the free or discounted items. 

    • Set tabs to calculate tips off the pre-comp amount. Contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager to change this preference for you. Keep in mind that there are other scenarios where pre-comp tips may be a disadvantage.

How It Works

The Member’s Tab

Inventory Items that have a Loyalty Cost given to them in Arryved Portal, are your Rewards. Arryved Service knows which items those are. 

Three things need to happen in Arryved Service for a Reward to be redeemable:

  1. The Insider’s Membership must be identified on their tab.

  2. The Reward item must be added to their tab.

  3. The Insider Member must have enough Loyalty Points to redeem it at its Loyalty Cost.

Read How To Identify Insider Members In Arryved Service for a refresher if needed. 

Redeem Upon Payment

Rewards are then redeemed from the Payment Options Screen in Arryved Service when the guest is ready to close out. 

  1. In Arryved Service, from the TAB screen, find the tab you’re looking for.

  2. Make sure the Insider’s Membership has been Identified on their tab, and the Reward item is on the tab.

  3. Tap Pay.

  4. Select any payment method and the Insider Customer Offers window will pop up with the Reward items they’re able to redeem for free.  

    • The Exact $ button will assume you’re paying exact cash and not redeeming any items for free. Don’t tap this button if you need to redeem a Reward first. 

    • Credit Card and Manual Credit card payment options make you go through the payment flow first, so swiping the card or manually entering the card info, before the Rewards window appears. 

    • If the Member doesn’t have enough Points to redeem the Reward item, or if there are no Reward items on the tab, the window won’t appear.

  5. Select the Reward item the guest would like to redeem for free. 

    • They can redeem more than one if they have enough Points.

    • Their Point total is shown across the top, and each Reward shows its Loyalty Cost. 

  6. Tap Apply Offers to redeem the highlighted Reward items for free. 

  7. If there are any other items on the tab that the guest needs to pay for, they’ll pay by the payment method that was selected. 

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