How To Identify Insider Members In Arryved Service

How To Identify Insider Members In Arryved Service

What Are Insider Members?

Insider Members are your devoted guests that’ve signed up for your Arryved Insider loyalty program. Members get Insider Perks. They can earn Loyalty Points to redeem for Rewards and Offers. In order to track the Points they earned and spend, their Membership must be identified on their tab. This guide shows you the various ways you can identify an Insider Membership in Arryved Service.


  • You’ve read the Arryved Insider Overview guide.

  • Your Arryved Insider program is active. 

  • A guest must sign up to become an Insider Member beforehand


  • The Insider button on the Digital Signature Screen, used to look up Memberships,  is accessible to guests when they’re signing the bill. If you don’t want this button there, contact Arryved Support to remove it. 

How It Works 

Once an Insider Member’s account is identified on their tab, they can earn Loyalty Points, and redeem Offers and Rewards. 

There are four ways to identify a Membership in Arryved Service,

  1. Card on file with a stored card.

  2. Lookup from the tab naming screen.

  3. From the Wallet Query.

  4. On the Digital Signature Screen

When an Insider Member is identified on a tab, you’ll see the certified member icon anywhere next to their name. 

Card On File 

Insider Members can have up to 3 cards stored on their account so they can be quickly identified in Arryved Service when they use one of those cards to start a tab. 

Lookup Membership 

When you begin a new tab or begin a new order on a tab, tapping on the tab name at the top brings you to the Active Consumers Screen. From there, you can look up an Insider Member. 

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. From the bottom of the TAB screen, tap New

  3. Tap 'Set Guest' t at the top.

  4. From the SET GUEST window, Tap the Insider button.

  5. Look up the Member by Name, Email, or Phone Number.

  6. Tap Done

  7. Verify their name is correct at the top of the screen and tap Send to save the tab. 

Wallet Query

In the Wallet Query, you’ll look up the Member first, then start a new tab for them. The benefit to this method is seeing the Member’s Loyalty Point value and any saved Offers they have before they get going with orders! 

This is a great chance to connect with your Members and suggest any menu items they may be able to redeem with their Points. Read more about the Wallet Query

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. Tap STAFF from the top navigation bar.

  3. Tap the Wallet Query button. 

  4. Look up the Member by Name, Email, or Phone Number.

    1. You are now looking at their Insider Wallet. Glance at their Loyalty Point balance across the top, and let them know how many they have! 

    2. See if they have any Offers saved in their Wallet. 

  5. Tap New Tab to start a new tab on their account so they can earn those Points! 

Digital Signature Screen

There’s one last chance to look up the Insider Member’s account when they close out so they can earn the Points for this tab! 

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. From the TAB screen find the Member’s tab and tap Pay

  3. To get to the Digital Signature Screen, the guest must pay by card. Tap the Credit Card or Manual Credit payment options. 

  4. Under the signature box, tap the Insider button. 

  5. Look up the Member by Email, or Phone Number.

Keep in mind that the guest signing the tab can see and use this Insider button. Contact Arryved Support if you want the button removed. 

Related Articles

Arryved Insider Overview (For Merchants)

How To Become An Insider Member

Wallet Query Overview

Insider Loyalty Points Overview

How To Redeem Insider Rewards

How To Redeem Insider Offers

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