You may have items such as a keg or tap handle which you take a deposit for. Maybe you take deposits for a private event or some other reason. Deposits are created in your Arryved Portal as Inventory Items with deposit Item Tags. The deposit items are then available for sale and return through Arryved Service. This article shows you how easily you can sell deposit items and process their return, in Arryved Service.
You've created your deposits as Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal.
Guests returning a deposit must have their credit or debit card on hand if they want the funds returned it. Otherwise, the refund can be processed through Tab Search.
Open Arryved Service and log in.
From the top left corner, select a Venue where you’d find deposit items on the menu.
From the TAB screen, tap New to begin a new tab or start a new order on an active tab.
Find the deposit item on your menu and add it to the order screen.
From the order screen, tap on the deposit item to add a note.
Add the guest’s contact information as a note from the Modifiers screen.
Pro Tip! If the guest is purchasing more than one deposit item, add the contact info to each item separately. So if the guest returns one deposit item first and another at a later date, both items will have contact information.
Pro Tip! If selling an event deposit, add any additional notes that could be helpful such as, date, time, location, etc.
Use the guest’s first and last name to name the tab.
Pro Tip! Swipe the guest’s card and save the tab. The name of the tab will be the name on the card.
Tap Send to save the tab.
From the TAB screen, tap Pay next to the tab with the deposit items. If there’s a card on file, use that to pay the tab. Or, choose another form of payment if needed.
That’s it! The guest paid their deposit and we’ll wait patiently for their return.
Alas! The day has come and the guest has returned with their deposit item! Any deposit items sold appear on the Deposit screen in Arryved Service. Here’s how to get there,
In Arryved Service, tap STAFF from the top navigation bar.
Tap the Deposits button.
Notice that the deposit items are listed separately even when they were purchased together. This allows the guest to return items at different times if they need to.
Deposit Items are grouped together if the quantity of an item was increased using quantity buttons on the order screen.
From the list of deposits, find the one you need and tap Return.
A window with a number chart appears. Tap the quantity of deposit items being returned (of that same deposit type).
A new tab will appear with the deposit item(s) in a refund state (negative price).
You can add items to this tab and close later when ready. The negative price will move towards $0, then a positive total as items are added to the tab.
To close out, tap the box with the total tab price in the top left corner.
From the “Closeout and pay?” prompt, tap Yes.
From the Payment Options screen, choose a method of payment to return the funds to the guest.
You can swipe their card through the reader to return the funds to that card.
Or, hand them cash from the register if your company allows cash handling for deposits.
How To Create An Inventory Item
Menus In Arryved Service Overview