Emp. Cash Handling Report Overview

Emp. Cash Handling Report Overview

What Is The Emp. Cash Handling Report?

The Emp. Cash Handling report documents any actions completed through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim in Arryved Service. Actions are grouped by the employee who performed them so you can see a breakdown of each employee's Cash Action history. This article gives you the full deets on Emp. Cash Handling report. 


  • This report is for establishments with Cash Actions and/or Forced Tip Claim enabled and employees using it actively. 

  • For an employee to see this report in Arryved Portal, they must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:




  1. For employees to access Cash Actions or have a Forced Tip Claim applied to them upon clock out, they must have the CASH Labor Role Permission.


  • Cash Actions can be used to declare tips of any payment type, however, the options to choose from are labeled Cash, Check, and Other. 

  • Cash Actions and Forced Tip Claim tools are to be used in the current business day. Actions can’t be entered or edited for previous days. 

How It Works

  1. In your Arryved Portal, navigate to Reporting.

  2. Click on Operations.

  3. Click on Emp. Cash Handling Report.

  4. Select the date or range of days you'd like to view. 

  5. Click Preview or Download.

This report documents any actions completed through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim in Arryved Service. Both operate the same, the only difference is that Forced Tip Claim is forced upon employees when they clock out (requiring certain configuration). Cash Actions is the voluntary version. 

In this article, when we say “Cash Actions,” we’re referring to either or. 

Cash Actions 

Here’s a reminder of what the Cash Actions and Forced Tip Claim prompt looks like.

Report Columns 

The data in this report coincides with the information entered in Cash Actions and Forced Tip Claim. Here’s how the report works. 


The report groups the Cash Actions by the employee who performed them. For each employee segment, there are three sections that display their Cash Action data. 

  1. Each Cash Action they performed is listed 

    • Column displays: Employee Name

  2. The Cash Action Types totaled together 

    • Column displays: Total + Cash Action Type

  3. The total of all actions performed by that employee in one dollar amount 

    • Column displays: Total+ Employee Name

Date and Time

Date and Time of each Cash Action performed. This is only shown in rows that list individual actions, not the actions that are totaled together in subsequent rows. 


The Type column indicates the action type, the first button selection made when performing a Cash Action in Arryved Service. The action types are,

  • Start Till

  • End Till 

  • Pay In

  • Pay Out

  • Shift Tip (Forced Tip Claim default)

  • Employee Bank

Pay Type

Pay Types include Cash, Check, and Other. This is the second selection made when performing a Cash Action in Arryved Service, after selecting an action type. 

Description and Source

If any text was entered in the Description or Source fields when performing a Cash Action, the verbatim text will show in these columns.

  • A Description is a note to identify the action such as “John’s tips 8/26.” 

  • A Source identifies where the action came from such as “Cash Drawer 1.” 


The data in the Amount column could represent one of three things (in relation to the three sections of each employee segment. 

  1. For rows with individual actions listed, the Amount column shows the amount that was entered with that specific Cash Action.

  2. For rows name Cash Action types, it's the total of each amount entered under that action type by the employee.

  3. The final row for the employee segment shows the dollar amount of all the Cash Action types performed by that employee. 

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Forced TIp Claim

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