OpenTab by Arryved empowers guests to browse your menu and place orders as they please via QR code technology. OpenTab’s self-ordering feature eliminates cumbersome steps in the service process, allowing more guests to be served with less staff while also elevating the guest experience. If the self-ordering feature isn’t the right fit for your business, OpenTab can be used for mobile menu viewing alone. This article outlines different ways your establishment can utilize OpenTab. Consider which option is best for your business needs and pick the Setup Guide that’s right for you.
If you’re interested in setting up OpenTab for your business, contact Arryved Support to get started.
The guest will need to have a smartphone with camera access. If their camera does not read QR codes, they will need to have a QR code reader app downloaded onto their phone.
There are three different ways you can utilize OpenTab in your establishment. Think big picture! From there, OpenTab is completely customizable so you can meet the unique needs of your service model. The three setup options are:
Menu-viewing only (single menu)
Menu-viewing only (various menus)
Read the description of each of the three OpenTab options below, decide which is best for your business, and follow the next steps to get set up!
The self-ordering feature utilizes OpenTab to its maximum ability! QR codes are placed wherever you want to offer OpenTab and each one is unique to a table number. Guests can send orders, pay with the card on file, and leave gratuity all from their smartphones. Guests can also just view the menu items without starting a tab if that’s all they need.
If orders from OpenTab will print tickets, you'll need an Arryved Print Controller. This device acts as the middleman to route orders from outside sources (i.e. guests’ smartphones) to your Arryved printers. If you're already using Arryved Online, you either have Arryved Print Mastering or Print Controller in place already. If using Print Mastering, you'll need to switch to Print Controller. If you're already using Print Controller, you don’t need to set it up again and can skip this step.
Setup Process
Contact Arryved Support to get started.
Use the Arryved Print Controller Setup Guide.
Use the Default Printer Setup Guide for instructions on printer configuration using the printer matrix, if you are unfamiliar. This will be the last step in the setup process.
Another option is to have the QR codes open a digital view of your menu, but not allow the guest to place any orders. In this case, the guest won't need to enter personal information, they'll only be taken to a menu. The simplest way to use OpenTab QR codes is to offer a single menu across your entire location where all QR codes show the same menu. Your current service model will continue as normal.
Setup Process
Contact Arryved Support to get started.
If you have different menu offerings in your various Venues, you can set up your OpenTab QR codes to do the same. For example, your Bar Venue can have a separate menu offering than your Dining Venue (or whatever unique Venues you have). Each Venue can have a unique QR code that pulls up the menu offering for that Venue. Individual QR codes will still be unique to their table number. Your current service model will continue as normal.
Setup Process
Contact Arryved Support to get started.
Use the OpenTab Setup Guide For Menu Viewing (Various Menus).
Choose one of the three options above that are best suited for your business and follow the corresponding Setup Guide(s). Be sure to contact Arryved Support if you need any assistance.