Arryved Product Release Notes
Please remember to set Arryved Service to auto-update from Google Play on all of your POS devices, to enjoy the new features and improvements available to you in each release.
Release version: Arryved Cloud 2.49
Release Date: Jul 11, 2024
Updates to our existing products and features
Our Support Team has updated its hours of operation to:
Phone [urgent] → (720)310-0361
Sun - Thu: 9am to 8pm
MT, Fri - Sat: 9am to 10pm MT
Email [non-urgent] →
9am to 6pm MT 7 days/week
These hours are always shown across the top of your Arryved Portal and in Arryved Service under STAFF → Settings.
You can now enable/disable the Tab Claiming feature in OpenTab.
There’s a new checkbox on the OpenTab Settings page in your Arryved Portal → “Enable Tab Claiming”:
If enabled, OpenTab allows your guests to search for and claim their existing tabs by entering matching name and payment info. This adds a ‘Find my tab’ button to the welcome screen in OpenTab. Guests may also be prompted to claim an existing tab if they attempt to place an order in OpenTab with matching name and cc info.
When a tab is claimed, it'll be merged into OpenTab and owned by the guest who claimed it.
Tabs claimed can still be managed in Arryved Service when needed.
If disabled, Tab Claiming won’t be available in OpenTab. Guests won’t be able to search for their tab nor will they be prompted to claim it.
You can now add a contact email and custom payment terms to your Arryved Online Store. These are added via the Online Store Settings in your Arryved Portal.
These settings are strongly recommended for merchants processing on Arryved Pay.
The Keg Deposits page in your Arryved Portal (under Operations → Keg Deposits) now records the actual price the keg was sold for. This includes Cash Prices on Dual Pricing and open dollar amounts.
Previously, the price entered on the keg’s Inventory Item would be the only price recorded.
Arryved’s newest report → the Customer Contact List, is now accessible to Arryved Portal Admins with the REPORTING Permission.
The report formerly known as the ‘Opt-in Email Marketing’ report has been replaced by the revamped Customer Contact List. The old report has been removed from your automated Rosie Report email.
For merchants on our Dual Pricing program and operating on Arryved Service version 1.33.3, there were some discrepancies with Cash Prices.
The issue has been fixed and the discrepancies have been resolved.
Arryved Customer Education
Interested in learning more about Arryved’s products, features, and solutions? The more you know, the better you can use the full Arryved system to your advantage!
→ Check out our Knowledge Base to find help guides on all things Arryved!
→ Join the Arryved Academy to access online courses for Arryved Products!
The Arryved Academy offers courses for both Managers and Staff. Click on the link above, then follow the instructions to sign up.