Arryved Insider FAQs

Arryved Insider FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions For Arryved Insider 

Popular questions and answers for Arryved Insider. FAQs are sectioned by topic. 

Setting Up Insider

How do I get started with Arryved Insider? 

First, read the Arryved Insider guides to familiarize yourself with the program and how it can be customized for your business. Start with the Arryved Insider Overview and read the other guides linked throughout that one. 

Once you’re well-versed with Arryved Insider, contact the friendly voices at Arryved Support to get started with the onboarding process.

What does Arryved need from me?

To complete the onboarding process for your Insider program, Arryved needs a few things:

  • A main Point of Contact for your Insider Program.

  • Your Insider Location Assets need to be uploaded in your Arryved Portal.

  • The details of how you want your Insider Program customized. Arryved will send you a survey to fill out. 

How long does it take to get set up with Arryved insider?

Arryved Support can turn the knobs and flip the switches on their end in a day or less, but they can’t do that without your Location Assets uploaded or your customization survey submitted first. 

Insider Members

How do guests sign up for an Insider Membership?

  1. In Arryved Service 

    • Guests can sign up after closing their tab, from the receipt options screen.

    • Only for Public Memberships.

  2. In Arryved Portal

    • From the Pending Signups page. 

    • For Private Memberships or just to use for manual signup.  

    • Must be an Arryved Portal Admin with the MODIFY LOYALTY Permission.

  3. Online 

    • Give guests this Insider Signup Link to signup online. 

    • Your Insider Program must be customized to allow access to the Insider Portal. 

How do I know who my Members are?

In Arryved Portal, from the Insider Members page, you can export a full list of your Members.

In Arryved Service, Members are identified by starting a tab with a card that’s stored on their Insider account. Or, they can be looked up manually by a staff member. 

Insider Perks

How are Loyalty Points accumulated?

Your Insider Members earn 1 Point for every 1¢ spent on the subtotal of their bill. 

  • This ratio of Point accumulation can’t be changed. 

  • Points are only earned through sales in Arryved Service when the Member’s Insider account is identified on their tab. 

Can Loyalty Point balances be adjusted?

Yes. In your Arryved Portal, you can manually adjust any individual Member’s current Point Balance. The overall rate that Members earn Points (1¢ spent = 1 Point) can’t be changed, however. 

What’s the difference between Offers and Rewards?

Offers are promotions, discounts, or freebies you create in your Arryved Portal and email out to your Members in the form of a digital coupon. Members save the Offers from the email into their Insider Wallet. They can then redeem the Offer next time they visit.

  • Example Offer: Get $10 off your total bill when you spend $100 or more. 

Rewards are your existing menu items that Members can order through Arryved Service and pay for the item in total using Loyalty Points. In your Arryved Portal, you choose which Inventory Items you’ll allow Members to redeem as a Reward by giving the item a Loyalty Cost. 

  • Example Reward: Redeem a free pint of draft beer with 10,000 Points.

How many Loyalty Points do Rewards cost?

It is totally up to you! You’ll set a Loyalty Cost for each item you want to have as a Reward. Think about how much you want your Members to spend before they can get the Reward Item for free, by paying with Points. Remember, they earn 1 Point for every 1¢ spent on items ordered. 

Here’s an example calculation, 

  • Pretend you gave out punch cards to redeem for a free pint of beer after 10 holes have been punched: 

    • Your pints of beer average about $6.

    • $6 x 10 hole punches = $60

    • $60 * 100 pennies = 6,000 Points. 

  • Your Loyalty Cost for a free pint of beer would be 6000. Members can redeem a pint of beer in exchange for 6,000 Loyalty Points. 

Please only use this example where you see fit. Your Rewards can have any Loyalty Cost you desire. Each Reward can have a different cost. 

Do Offers have a Loyalty Cost?

They can but don’t have to. When you create your unique Offers, you can add a Loyalty Cost which is the number of Points needed to use the Offer. 

  • If no Loyalty Cost is entered, Members won’t need to use any Points to redeem the Offer.

  • If there is a Loyalty Cost, the Offer will only email out to your Members who have enough Points to redeem it at the time it was sent. 

Will active Offers auto-send to Members after they’ve earned enough Points? 

No. The Offer only sends to Members who have enough Points at the time it was sent. 

Related Articles

Arryved Insider Overview (For Merchants)

How To Adjust Loyalty Point Balances

How To Store a New Card To An Insider's Profile

How To Identify Insider Members In Arryved Service

Wallet Query Overview 

How To Create Insider Offers 

How To Create Insider  Rewards

How To Redeem Insider Offers

How To Redeem Insider Rewards

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